Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Child Molesters And Rapists


Blogger bryant said...

Here is a story from Riverside, CA. Right next door to Loma Linda."Meghan's Law, and Personal Choices"

I think my professor checks regularly.

8:55 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

Thanks for posting that map, I've been wanting to see it.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

What a terribly interesting violation of privacy. I've actually seen one of those guys around. I did notice they didn't have anything marked at 11th and H. I take that as good news.

I was really hoping for a something around 15th and H, but apparently the Governor isn't a sex offender.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

well, the governor isn't a registered sex offender..

and how do you know that you saw one of the sex offenders? i mean, i see sketchy people, but i try not to pass judgement.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Your post reminded me that I need to turn in some paper work. (so much for Scott being glad there's nothing at 11th and H)

4:43 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Uh, Ellen, if you click on the little colored squares, a window pops up with their photo, address, and the reason why they're listed. So, I recognized one from the photo.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Yeah, I missed that whole clicking on the square to see the photo thing at first. Good thing Scott mentioned it.

I'm incredibly amazed.

I knew that we kept track of sex offenders, and I knew information about who they are and where they live is publicly available. But I didn't realize how publicly available. I mean, I expected a line downtown somewhere and some paperwork maybe. But no, you can see pictures of them on the Internet.

I can understand the reason for it. If I had a wife or some children, I would want them to know which people to look out for. I would want to be able to pull up the map of, say, Union College, and show them the three men that live just off 48th.

Yet, when I remember freedom, I'm left with a lot of questions regarding whether this violation of their privacy is right or wrong. And then I remember the reason the violation is necessary. I remember the violation that devastates so much longer and deeper in the mind, body, and soul of people all over our city.

Seeing all the colored squares that cover downtown Lincoln makes my heart sad. I know bad things happen. But seeing the tangible evidence? It makes it all the more real. And this isn't seeing even real photographs or something worse. It's just squares on a map.

I dare not look at the map of a major metropolis like LA or NYC.

8:06 PM  
Blogger strovska said...

i saw one of these back when we first moved into our apartment, and now i know that one of the few female sex offenders in austin still lives on our street.

7:55 AM  

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