Friday, January 11, 2008


Yes. I put my keyboard in the dishwasher and washed it. To be on the safe side I've been letting it dry out for about three days now and will probably let it dry more over the weekend. I didn't take pictures of the process but I did stage a reenactment for you. Of course I won't post those pictures until until the keyboard is dry and I can hook it back up to my computer.

Other good news of the day includes my car only needing more antifreeze, thrift store finds (I bought you some jeans LAH), a dentist appointment, and the completion of the Graduate Academy.

Already I'm tired from the semester.


Blogger Leah said...

What's the Graduate Academy? Is that the ridiculous TA training session? Did you have to teach a "practice session"? So dumb.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Not only did I have to teach a "practice session" they videotaped it and I have to go watch it with someone and talk about how I can improve my teaching...yikes.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

It's all bullshit. I recorded mine over an old episode of the X-Files, and it took us about 5 minutes to find the part with me teaching. That wasted a lot of was great.

6:49 PM  

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