Friday, October 07, 2005

Quiz show

RU Hip?

The ultimate in hip-awareness, separating the truly hip from the impostors.
  1. How do you get around?

  2. A car
    Crappy bike
    Never leave the house

  3. Where do you work?

  4. Coffeeshop
    Music store
    "Real job"

  5. Favorite Drink?

  6. Malt Liquor
    Pabst Blue Ribbon

  7. Where does your wardrobe come from?

  8. Vintage boutique
    Thrift store
    American Eagle

  9. Are you an "artist"?

  10. My work is my life
    My life is my work
    I have a digital camera
    I have a blog

  11. How often do you bathe?

  12. Every day
    Every day, except the weekends
    Every other day
    Only when I need it

  13. Accessories?


Blogger Leah said...

i tried to take the RU-Hip quiz, but it failed somehow. i'm off to continue grading thousands of student essays (ok, not thousands, but it looks like thousands).

8:47 AM  
Blogger bryant said...

I do my work at the coffeeshop.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

yeah, there's a problem with the quiz where it won't score them...i don't know how to fix it.

i think i'm headed to the coffeeshop to work...

4:00 PM  
Blogger strovska said...

i'm so unhip it was unable to calculate my score.

8:41 AM  

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