Sunday, September 25, 2005

Patron To The Arts

by playing dumb i was able to check out some books this weekend from the public library. (The Kitchen Boy, Daughter of Fortune, and Living With Polio, more a history, rather then a how-to.) i started at the self check-out and when i was rejected there i moved on the live human at circulation. kindly, he explained my fine situation to me and said that if i only paid 25 cents i could get my fines down to where i could check my books out. so i got my wallet out and unzipped the change section, where i pitifully dug a dime and three pennies out of its depths.

"this is all i've got on me."

"i guess i can over-ride the system." (you betcha you can. why do you think i came over here...)

this has happened on multiple occassions, boardering on every time i visit the library. and it is the pony-tailed librarian that always explains the fine system to me concluding with me saying i don't have any money with me to pay the fines. a tired senario that keeps playing itself out time after time. except yesterday, i had five dollars, i just forgot about it.


Blogger Leah said...

You're the reason that hipsters have a bad reputation in public libraries.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

i am not a hipster!

12:43 PM  
Blogger strovska said...

does that make me a hipster? i'm Library Fund Contributor Number One by merit of my frequent fines.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

ha ha, you are so hip that when you ride your bike on the street, people have to put down their sun shades in their cars to block the hipness shining from you!

6:26 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

i am not a hipster!!!

8:51 AM  

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