Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lotion Mouth

I did it again this morning, switched the order of steps getting ready.

Earlier in the week I had to suffer through a day of what I'll call Lotion Mouth. This happens when I put moisturizer on and then brush my teeth. The contamination happens when I cup water to my mouth* with the hand that has the recently applied lotion still lingering. The taste settles in for the day in the back of my throat and no amount of trying seems to banish it. Apples, granola, spicy peanut noodles, Vitamin C drops, are no challenge to what I've come to imagine as the petroleum sludge scraped out of tanker ships. And here I am again, on my day off, thinking about the toxins leaching into my lymph nodes. In this state I should just go out and take a few sips from my gas tank or run my tongue over the oil leak in the engine; death by a sort-of carbon sequestration. Or maybe I'll forget after writing about it and go out moss collecting.**

*Oddly I can only do this with my left hand; the right is useless, holding less and spilling most of the water before I can get it to my mouth.
**It warmed up, rained, and now the snow is gone. I spotted a big patch near the neighbor's sidewalk.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It's been a lot like this.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

It was related to this

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Knockman Family

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

East Central Illinois

This morning the local NPR station has dedicated an hour to a program discussing cornbread. They're saying it's about quick breads, but really everyone's just talking cornbread. Right now two old guys are discussing the whole process from growing the corn to the proportions of the recipe; there was a little confusion over when the caller should have added the baking soda.

Now he's writing down a recipe for oat scones from a caller.