Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Bridge To Reality; It's Hard To Cross

why don't i use the bikeroom?

because i'm home for lunch. i'll be here
maybe an hour and then i'll leave again. because the bikeroom is in the basement behind a locked door, the key, for which, is in my apartment. there are other bikes in the bikeroom. i like my bike, i don't want other people messing around with it. that's why i don't use the bikeroom.

all i could say was, "uhhmmm..."

do you see scuff marks on the walls? i know it hurts to paint a wall and see a tire scuff on the fresh paint, but life is tough and scuff marks on the walls equals job security for you. and maybe the next time you're forced into painting you could choose a color, like white. not dusty rose or whatever discounted shade of pink is parading around our hallways.

"i'll try to be careful."


Blogger Leah said...

so venomous today. did you get in trouble for scuffing the dusty rose paint on your walls with your nasty scuffy bike? i like your bike too. i wouldn't put it in the bike room either. on a related note, every time i take my bike out of the bike shed, i have to dislodge a couple of fairly large spiders, who seem to think that they deserve to live on my handlebars.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

i guess i was feeling venomous. but i walk in the front door and she just started harping on me for not keeping my bike in the bike room. isn't it my choice where i keep my bike? anyway, i'm kind of in the process of stealing a bike from the bike room and i didn't want any fingers pointing to me.

9:41 AM  

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