Sunday, September 04, 2005

Becoming A Better American; Weekend

i couldn't sleep last night so i was up at 2:30 a.m. poking around the internet. i got up after four hours of sleep with my first thought being, "better check my e mail." that was countered with the logic part of my brain saying, "no one was writing you at 2:30...who's going to be writing between the hours of three a.m. and seven?" right. the reason i was even thinking of checking my e mail at 7:45 was karen wanted me to go with her to volunteer at HUA (hearts unlimited for animals) a no-kill animal shelter an hour away from lincoln. not having anything better to do on my three day weekend, i was up for the ride. we had to be there early...

the basics of volunteering are getting the dogs out of their kennels, putting them in a van, and taking them to a fenced-in area where they can run around. (the first dog we played with was a chow-retriever mix, her name was cerise, and she DID NOT play well with others. much like the ceri i know...who got dumped in ohio.) the small dogs were kept inside where i fell in love with a chihuahua who looked like a barrel-o-monkeys with tinker-toy legs and swivelly chameleon eyes. his tongue stuck out and i spent most of my time eating him up, cuddling and hugging him...well, more like trying to convince him to come out from under the table so i could cuddle and hug him. he was mouthy and as we were leaving i held my hand out to him, to say goodbye when he BIT me. not hard, but somewhere between, are-you-holding-a-piece-of-roast-beef? and get-your-hand-out-of-my-face-bitch. it made me love him even more...where are the papers? sign me up for this ugly little dog who, in fact, does bite the hand that had been feeding him roast beef.


Blogger CëRïSë said...

"Cerise is a very smart girl. She learned to sit and walk on a leash almost instantly. She has excellent manners. Cerise is kind and calm. She loves people. "

8:25 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

alright...she just didn't get along with the other dogs.

8:11 PM  

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