The Mysterious Doob Doob O'Rama 2
This showed up on my desk last week, propped up beside my computer.
I wasn't sure where it came from or even why it had appeared on my desk. But the more I thought about it the more I came to realize that I know only one person who would own this type of album and would also leave it on my desk for me (although Leah has given me a collection of 1960s Italian porn music, which is strangely reminiscent). This person* and I had shared some laughs over this video** recently and I figured that in a similar spirit the filmsongs album had been left. 'Turns out I really like most of the songs and I've also found that it's great background music all the women shrieking really drowns out the hubbub of grad studio.
I wasn't sure where it came from or even why it had appeared on my desk. But the more I thought about it the more I came to realize that I know only one person who would own this type of album and would also leave it on my desk for me (although Leah has given me a collection of 1960s Italian porn music, which is strangely reminiscent). This person* and I had shared some laughs over this video** recently and I figured that in a similar spirit the filmsongs album had been left. 'Turns out I really like most of the songs and I've also found that it's great background music all the women shrieking really drowns out the hubbub of grad studio.
*Actually my academic adviser.
**Careful, this song is catchy. And if you're so inclined you can search for the band and come up with the whole 1984 album in mp3 format.
That is a fantastic album cover.
I don't know if you've seen this video, but if you enjoy the Indian music, you might like it.
That blog title really grabs the reader.
oh ELLEN! you didn't put in sufficient warning about that video. it's gut-busting, even without the sound on.
i love that the woman in the glasses looks embarassed to be part of the production.
From Andrew about the video David linked to:
"an audiovisual synthesis of alvin and the chipmunks with a towel-headed
george michael, complete with kiplingesque overtones maladroitly
threaded through the needle of poor video editing and awkward wardrobe
Not that I advocate the term "towel-headed"...
I just watched that video. It is solid gold!
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