Monday, July 18, 2005

Pretty Prickly

dear boy-who-thinks-he-likes-me,

you don't, or better yet, you won't. you won't like me after you get to know me. all the time i was asking questions about you while smiling and acting interested (get this) i wasn't really interested. see, if i was interested in you, as in dating you, i wouldn't be able to talk to you. i am pretty prickly when it comes to you liking me *bunches* and it really creeps me out when you do. and really, the more i think about relationships, the more i'm almost sure i'm okay not being in one. so, dear boy, i'm not trying to be a bitch. i'm not trying to lead you on just to tell you i'm not interested. i'm really just entertaining myself while i have to work with you...or in the evenings when i want someone to go to a movie with...or someone to ask how mulligatawny soup is made.

life let's get on with the interesting parts.

sorry, but i'm pretty prickly.



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